JOPERD cover

September 2024

JOPERD Author Guidelines

JOPERD is a peer-reviewed professional journal intended to meet the needs of HPERD educators at all levels and to serve as a forum for educational and ethical issues.

  • Original data-based research studies are not published in JOPERD. As a practical journal, it only publishes research-based manuscripts that focus on practical implications for educators.
  • To ensure that the topic and treatment are appropriate for JOPERD, authors should submit an email query to the editor ([email protected]) before preparing the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts submitted to JOPERD must not be submitted to other publications simultaneously.
  • Manuscript acceptance is based on originality of material, significance to the HPERD professions, research validity, citation reliability, and adherence to the prescribed submission requirements stated below.
  • All article submissions must include some kind of language on how the information shared will include all children. Articles should illustrate in some manner how the strategies presented offer students with varying abilities differentiated opportunities to learn and engage.

Manuscript Format and Preparation

Prepare the manuscript in an electronic format as follows:

  • Use an 8.5-by-11-inch page setup with 1-inch margins.
  • Use 12-point Times New Roman and double space the entire manuscript, including references and quotations.
  • Use bold text for primary subheadings and bold, italicized text for secondary subheadings.
  • Number the pages and lines throughout.
  • Do not use footnotes or endnotes, and do not submit the text with "track changes."
  • Save the manuscript in a native word-processing format (e.g., Microsoft Word).
  • Do not embed figures, tables or images in the document. These should all be provided and uploaded as separate files.

Blinding of manuscripts: All manuscripts must be properly blinded in order to be sent out for review. To blind a manuscript, please consider and adhere to the following:

  • Do not list any information that might give away your identity as the author (e.g., your name, school or institution name, state and city names, contact information, etc.). This information must be either deleted (and added later, in the final version), concealed (by replacing it with the word [concealed] in brackets so people know there is a name there that was hidden), or replaced with a vague description (for example, "In one university program" or "In a school in the Northwest").
  • When preparing the manuscript for submission through the online system, authors are given the chance to create a cover page that contains name, affiliation and contact information, but will not be included in the document sent out to reviewers.
  • In the case of references of which you are the author, it is recommended to conceal or remove them entirely (authors can replace references in text with the parenthesis [Concealed reference] and simply delete those references from the reference list). Again, these can be restored in the final version if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication.
  • Make sure that no images, tables or figures contain institution or place names that can also compromise the blindness of the article. These images can either be edited to hide or crop out these elements, or can be submitted along with the final, accepted article.
  • Be mindful that using links or QR codes to online resources such as Google Docs, YouTube videos, etc. can also give away the author’s identity if the author appears as the creator or owner of the content. Find another way to share the content (e.g., as a screenshot that crops out names) or make sure it’s published under an anonymous name.

Manuscript Content

  • Tie manuscript length to the scope of the content, generally limiting articles to between 10 and 16 double-spaced pages.
  • Simple, straightforward writing—concise, logical, and clear—is best. It is suggested to proofread the manuscript for spelling, grammar and logical flow before submission.
  • Focus the manuscript, use examples, capture readers' interest, and stimulate their thinking.
  • Avoid educational jargon and passive voice, vary sentence structure, and keep paragraphs short.
  • Avoid using first-person voice (i.e., I/we) whenever possible, and rather use third person throughout.
  • The JOPERD Editorial Board encourages authors to have colleagues review manuscripts before submission.

Abstract. Include an abstract of 250 words or less that clearly states the audience for and purpose of the manuscript. The abstracts for accepted articles will appear on the JOPERD web site after the article has been published.

References. Well-chosen references add credibility to an article. Printed references are preferred over web references, and primary source materials (e.g., research articles, clinical reports) should be prioritized over secondary source materials (e.g., websites, textbooks). Authors are responsible for accuracy. Consider and check the validity, reliability, and timeliness (most current and up to date) of the citations used. To do this, it is recommended that authors read and critically review works before citing them. Check that all references in the reference list appear in text and vice versa. If any direct quotes are used, check that they are typed accurately and include page number/source. For reference style, follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). See our publisher’s Reference Style Guide.

Illustrations. Submit tables, charts, drawings and graphs in one or more files separate from the text file. If any of them were created using graphic software, the original, high-resolution graphic file (e.g., JPEG, PDF, PNG) will be needed (if embedded in the Word document, the publisher will unlikely be able to use them). Ideally, any table or chart that contains text should be provided in an editable format (e.g., Word document, PowerPoint presentation, etc.) rather than a screenshot, image or PDF file so that any minor text errors can be corrected by the publisher.

Photographs. JOPERD encourages authors to submit sharp, well-composed color photographs to illustrate their articles. Digital photos should be saved at 300 dpi/ppi. Submit high-resolution photos in a native graphic format (e.g., JPEG, TIFF); do not paste photos into the text file. For each photo, include photographer credit, and a brief caption. If the photos show children, also submit a Photo Release Form showing that the JOPERD has permission to use the images.

Author Bylines. If written by more than one author, indicate who the corresponding author should be. Also, please provide a byline for each author following this format: Author Name (email) is a [position] in the [Department name] at [institution or school name] in [City, State].

Manuscript Submission

JOPERD receives all manuscript submissions electronically via its submission portal, which allows for submission of original and revised manuscripts, and facilitates the review process and internal communication between authors, editors, and reviewers via a web-based platform.

All NEW submissions should be submitted via the new Submission Portal. If you already started a submission in ScholarOne, you should submit your revision(s) within ScholarOne. If you have questions or technical issues, contact ScholarOne technical support or Laura Strecker, Editor, at [email protected].

The Review Process

The editor reviews all manuscripts for appropriateness of topic and conformance to JOPERD writing style. If the topic and style are deemed appropriate, manuscripts are sent to at least three reviewers with expertise in the topic area. Reviewers are asked to comment on the validity, significance and originality of the manuscript, as well as on its appropriateness for the journal and its audience. Immediate acceptance is rare; most often, manuscripts will go through one or more major or minor revision before being published. This should not discourage the authors—rather, the reviewers help to ensure the final manuscript aligns with JOPERD's content and quality standards. Depending on the number of revisions needed, allow from 8 to 12 weeks for the review process.


Once accepted, manuscripts will be forwarded to the publisher for copyediting and typesetting. Authors will have a chance to check the page proof of their article before it goes to print. Manuscripts are published in the earliest appropriate and available issue following acceptance. Corresponding authors may request one complimentary copy of the issue in which their article appears.

Copyright. All authors of accepted manuscripts must sign a copyright release form. Authors transfer all copyright ownership of manuscripts to SHAPE America.

Reprinting. Upon request, authors receive permission to reprint their own articles. However, JOPERD prohibits the free posting of articles on websites.

Penalty for Plagiarism

If it is determined that an article incorporates plagiarized material, the following actions will be taken: (1) the author will receive a formal reprimand from JOPERD; (2) a copy of the reprimand will be sent to the author's institution or place of employment; and (3) the author will be precluded from submitting articles to JOPERD for two years following the infraction.

Use of AI-Based Tools for Content

The publisher (Taylor & Francis) statement reads: “Authors must be aware that using AI-based tools and technologies for article content generation, e.g. large language models (LLMs), generative AI, and chatbots (e.g. ChatGPT), is not in line with our authorship criteria. All authors are wholly responsible for the originality, validity and integrity of the content of their submissions. Therefore, LLMs and other similar types of tools do not meet the criteria for authorship. Where AI tools are used in content generation, they must be acknowledged and documented appropriately in the authored work.” See the publisher’s pages on Defining Authorship and Responsible Use of AI Tools in Academic Content Creation for more information.

JOPERD Feature Issues

JOPERD also publishes features, or issues consisting of a series of interrelated articles with a central or unifying theme. A feature is generated by an individual or group of individuals who submit a proposal to the JOPERD editor for consideration by the JOPERD Editorial Board. See the Guidelines for JOPERD Features.

Submitting to Departments

JOPERD also accepts submissions to its department columns: The Law and You, Research Into Practice, Teaching Tips, Health Tips, Technology Tips and Letters (see the guidelines for each below). For any department submission, please:

  • Follow the general “Manuscript Format and Preparation” guidelines described above.
  • If written by more than one author, indicate who the corresponding author is and provide a byline for each author following this format: Author Name (email) is a [position] in the [Department name] at [institution or school name] in [City, State].
  • If including any charts, drawings or photographs, do not embed them in the Word document but provide the original, high-resolution graphic files (e.g., JPEG, PDF, PNG) for each as separate attachments.

The Law and You: Recent Rulings from the Courts Affecting HPERD Professionals publishes brief (1,500-2,000 words) abstracts and discussions of recent cases relevant to the HPERD professions. Submissions should use appropriate legal references (7th ed of APA) and highlight recent cases within the past five years. To submit, contact department editor Thomas H. Sawyer at [email protected].

Research Into Practice publishes brief (500-650 words, no more than two double-spaced pages) abstracts of peer-reviewed and data-based research articles published within the past year (excluding articles previously published in JOPERD). Abstracts of an author's own work or of literature review articles are not published. Abstracts should follow the Research into Practice structure and include a title and reference, along with sections that address “what was the question,” “what was done,” “what was found,” and “what does the study mean.” Ensure research results are applicable to practitioners and relevant to the readership of JOPERD. To submit, send your abstract and the full text of the source paper to department editor Seung Ho Chang at [email protected].

Teaching Tips features short articles (no more than six double-spaced pages) with ideas that practitioners at all levels can readily implement. Articles should contain a brief introduction, followed by very practical, quick-hitting information such as bullet points or lists. The JOPERD Editorial Board encourages members who are actively involved in teaching at any level to submit their successful teaching ideas. To submit, send articles to department editor Ferman Konukman at [email protected].

Health Tips  features short articles (no more than six double-spaced pages) about health-related activities and lessons that practitioners can readily implement. Articles should contain a brief introduction, followed by very practical, quick-hitting information such as bullet points or lists. Please ensure that all submissions adhere to the National Health Education Standards and the Appropriate Practices in School-Based Health Education. To submit, send articles to department editor Sarah Benes at [email protected].

Technology Tips features brief (no more than six double-spaced pages, excluding references), practical articles on technological tools, software and platforms that practitioners at all levels can readily implement (e.g., reviews of pertinent software, methods for including technology in the instructional program, uses of technology for the professional, new devices and how to use them in one or more related subject areas). Directly coordinate submissions with the department editor, Collin Brooks, at [email protected]. Please include "JOPERD Technology Tips Submission" in the subject line.

Letters are published on a space-available basis and selected by the editor. They should speak (pro/con) on an issue or article previously published, or on a professional issue of concern to a large number of professionals. Letters may be submitted to [email protected].