Diving Into the New SHAPE America National Health Education

Diving Into the New SHAPE America National Health Education
In this 1-hour webinar, we will explore Standard 3: Access valid and reliable resources to support health and well-being of self and others. This session will discuss grade-span considerations for accessing valid and reliable health information, products, services, and other resources that are essential to promoting health and well-being, and preventing, detecting, managing, and treating health issues and conditions across a variety of contexts (e.g., individual, interpersonal, community, societal, and environmental).

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
  • • Explain key aspects of Standard 3 and how the performance indicators support the development of the “accessing valid and reliable resources” skill;
  • • Apply effective methods, at various grade spans, for determining validity and reliability;
  • • Support students as they navigate a complex landscape of information, products and services while learning to distinguish factual information from misinformation or disinformation.
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