Diving Into the New SHAPE America National Health Education

Diving Into the New SHAPE America National Health Education
In this 1-hour webinar, we’ll explore Standard 6: Use a goal-setting process to support health and well-being of self and others. This session explores the entire process in a way that goes beyond just setting a SMART goal and emphasizes how to use a goal-setting process to support the adoption of healthy habits. We’ll also discuss how to take personal and social factors into consideration while teaching this skill.

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:
  • • Explain key aspects of Standard 6 and how the performance indicators support the development of effective goal-setting skills;
  • • Support students as they work through a goal-setting process and work toward the adoption and maintenance of health habits;
  • • Apply practical instructional strategies when teaching the steps of the goal-setting process.
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