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Systemic Success in Physical Education: A PLC Before Its Time

Keven A. Prusak, Zack Beddoes, Todd R. Pennington & David Barney

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Successful physical education (PE) programs should be studied and shared. Rink et al. (2002) spoke to this effect more than 22 years ago. For nearly half a century, one partnership between the Mesa Public School District and the Arizona State University physical education teacher education (PETE) program has shown signs of success; indeed, systemic success (Prusak et al., 2010). Over two decades of research suggests that the reciprocal benefits of this partnership are plentiful. For example, the K–12 teachers largely do not experience the debilitating marginalization that is common in the profession. Rather, programs have remained intact and robust while others have been cut.

Teachers have also not experienced traditional barriers like overcrowded classes and lack of funding. Moreover, professional development opportunities have accompanied administrative and collegial support. As such, the physical education profession could benefit from a concise description of this unique partnership.

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