Strategies cover

May / June 2024

Strategies Author Guidelines

Strategies: A Journal for Physical and Sport Educators is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes practical, how-to articles for sport and physical education professionals at all levels.

  • Original data-based research studies are not published in Strategies. As a practical journal, it only publishes research-based manuscripts that focus on practical implications for educators and coaches.
  • To ensure that the topic and treatment are appropriate for Strategies, authors should submit an email query to the editor ([email protected]) before preparing the manuscript.
  • Manuscripts submitted to Strategies must not be submitted to other publications simultaneously.
  • Manuscript acceptance is based on originality of material, significance to the PE and coaching professions, citation reliability, and adherence to the submission requirements stated below.

Manuscript Format and Preparation

Prepare the manuscript in an electronic format as follows:

  • Use an 8.5-by-11-inch page setup with 1-inch margins.
  • Use 12-point Times New Roman and double space the entire manuscript, including references and quotations.
  • Use bold text for primary subheadings and bold, italicized text for secondary subheadings.
  • Number the pages and lines throughout.
  • Do not use footnotes or endnotes, and do not submit the text with "track changes."
  • Save the manuscript in a native word-processing format (e.g., Microsoft Word).
  • Do not embed figures, tables or images in the document. These should all be provided and uploaded as separate files.
  • Limit your article to approximately 10–12 pages.
  • Prepare a cover letter stating that your manuscript has not been previously published and/or is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

Blinding of manuscripts: All manuscripts must be properly blinded in order to be sent out for review. To blind a manuscript, please consider and adhere to the following:

  • Do not list any information that might give away your identity as the author (e.g., your name, school or institution name, state and city names, contact information, etc.). This information must be either deleted (and added later, in the final version), concealed (by replacing it with the word [concealed] in brackets so people know there is a name there that was hidden), or replaced with a vague description (for example, "In one university program" or "In a school in the Northwest").
  • When preparing the manuscript for submission through the online system, authors are given the chance to create a cover page that contains name, affiliation and contact information, but will not be included in the document sent out to reviewers.
  • In the case of references of which you are the author, it is recommended to conceal or remove them entirely (authors can replace references in text with the parenthesis [Concealed reference] and simply delete those references from the reference list). Again, these can be restored in the final version if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication.
  • Make sure that no images, tables or figures contain institution or place names that can also compromise the blindness of the article. These images can either be edited to hide or crop out these elements, or can be submitted along with the final, accepted article.
  • Be mindful that using links or QR codes to online resources such as Google Docs, YouTube videos, etc. can also give away the author’s identity if the author appears as the creator or owner of the content. Find another way to share the content (e.g., as a screenshot that crops out names) or make sure it’s published under an anonymous name.

Manuscript Content

In writing articles for Strategies, authors should consider that the journal's goal is to provide information to physical educators and coaches that will assist them in their daily work. We look for articles that identify a problem and offer concrete, step-by-step solutions or describe "best practices" for typical coach/teacher activities or responsibilities. Strategies does not publish research studies or theoretical treatment of topics but does welcome manuscripts that explain how research or theory can be applied or put into practice.Authors are encouraged to review recent issues of Strategies for content and format before submitting or may contact the editor for further clarification.

  • Write in an informal, conversational and straightforward tone, and minimize formal or technical language.
  • Ideas should be clear, concise and logical. It is suggested to proofread the manuscript for spelling, grammar and logical flow before submission.
  • Avoid the use of first-person voice (i.e., I/we) whenever possible, and rather use third person throughout.
  • Give practical examples and, when appropriate, include photos, tables or charts to illustrate your ideas (but upload these as separate files; do not embed them in the document).
  • Have a colleague review your article for content and clarity of presentation before you submit it for consideration.

Abstract. Include an abstract of 250 words or less clearly stating the manuscript’s audience and purpose.

References. Authors are responsible for accuracy. Printed references are preferred over web references, and primary source materials (e.g., research articles, clinical reports) should be prioritized over secondary source materials (e.g., websites, textbooks). Consider and check the validity, reliability, and timeliness (most current and up to date) of the citations used. To do this, it is recommended that authors read and critically review works before citing them. Check that all references in the reference list appear in text and vice versa. If any direct quotes are used, check that they are typed accurately and include page number/source. For reference style, follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). See our publisher's Reference Style Guide.

Illustrations. Submit tables, charts, drawings and graphs in one or more files separate from the text file. If any of them were created using graphic software, the original, high-resolution graphic file (e.g., JPEG, PDF, PNG) will be needed (if embedded in the Word document, the publisher will unlikely be able to use them). Ideally, any table or chart that contains text should be provided in an editable format (e.g., Word document, PowerPoint presentation, etc.) rather than a screenshot, image or PDF file so that any minor text errors can be corrected by the publisher.

Photographs. Strategies welcomes photos for publication. Digital photos should be saved at 300 dpi/ppi. Submit high-resolution photos in a native graphic format (e.g., JPEG, TIFF); do not paste photos into the text file. For each photo, include photographer credit, and a brief caption. Releases must be obtained from individuals appearing in photos (especially in the case of children).

Author Bylines. Author details should be included on the cover page (which is invisible to reviewers) and/or in the final manuscript after it is accepted for publication. If written by more than one author, indicate who the corresponding author should be. Also, please provide a byline for each author following this format: Author Name (email) is a [position] in the [Department name] at [institution or school name] in [City, State]. Where available, please also include ORCiDs and social media handles.

Submission Process

Strategies receives all manuscript submissions electronically via its ScholarOne Manuscripts. ScholarOne Manuscripts allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts and facilitates the review process and internal communication between authors, editors, and reviewers via a web-based platform. For technical support, contact ScholarOne technical support. If you have any other requests, please contact Laura Strecker, Editor, at [email protected].

Manuscript Tracking Policy

  • Manuscripts will be reviewed by professionals who are experts in the particular subject. All accepted articles are subject to editing by the editorial staff.
  • Strategies will acknowledge receipt of manuscripts by email.
  • Authors will receive manuscript acceptance, revision or rejection letters, in around 8-12 weeks.
  • Manuscripts are published in the earliest appropriate and available issue following acceptance.
  • Authors will have a chance to check the page proof of their article before it goes to print.
  • Corresponding authors may request one complimentary copy of the issue that contains their article.

Feature Issues

Strategies also publishes features, or issues consisting of a series of interrelated articles with a central or unifying theme. See the Guidelines for Features.

Submitting to Standing Columns

Strategies also accepts submissions to its department columns: Advocacy in Action, Theory into Practice, Educator's Corner and Coach’s Corner. For any column submission, please:

  • Follow the general “Manuscript Format and Preparation” guidelines described above.
  • If written by more than one author, indicate who the corresponding author is and provide a byline for each author following this format: Author Name (email) is a [position] in the [Department name] at [institution or school name] in [City, State].
  • If including any charts, drawings or photographs, do not embed them in the Word document but provide the original, high-resolution graphic files (e.g., JPEG, PDF, PNG) for each as separate attachments.

Advocacy in Action provides tangible, real-world examples of grassroots and national-level advocacy activities taking place in the fields of physical education, health education, physical activity and sport. The journal is particularly interested in firsthand accounts of successful advocacy initiatives that have national relevance to the SHAPE America community. Submissions should be written in conversational, practical tone and between 1,000-1,300 words, or roughly four typed, double-spaced pages. Submissions should be sent to column editor Michael A. Hemphill at [email protected].

Theory Into Practice distills reliable research into understandable and succinct information and identifies key resources to help teachers and coaches improve their professional practice and provide high-quality programs. Each column (1,000-1,300 words or roughly four typed, double-spaced pages) summarizes research findings about a timely topic to help practitioners to apply research, knowledge and evidence-based practice in physical education and sport. Submissions should be sent to column editor Anthony Parish at [email protected].

Educator's Corner features short articles about one specific, practical teaching lesson that practitioners at the K-12 level can immediately implement in their classroom. Articles focus on either health or physical education and contain a brief introduction, followed by very practical, quick-hitting information such as bullet points or lists. Submissions should not exceed 1,000-1,300 words (or roughly four typed, double-spaced pages) and should be sent to Strategies Editor Laura Strecker at [email protected].

Coach's Corner features short articles about one specific coaching lesson that readers can immediately implement with their team. Articles should contain a brief introduction, followed by quick-hitting information such as bullet points or lists. Submissions should not exceed 1,000-1,500 words (or roughly four typed, double-spaced pages) and should be sent to Strategies Editor Laura Strecker at [email protected].