Dr. Doris R. Corbett-Johnson Leaders for Our Future Award

The Dr. Doris R. Corbett-Johnson Leaders for Our Future Award recognizes younger members who have demonstrated outstanding potential in scholarship, teaching, and/or professional leadership. This award is chosen in two membership categories, "college and university" and "non college and university." A maximum of two awards are presented in each category in a given year.

Please read the following statement from SHAPE America President, Brett Fuller, regarding the Mabel Lee Award.

The recipient shall:
  • Currently be a member of SHAPE America.
  • Be less than 36 years of age as of October 15 of the year of nomination submission.
Award Criteria
  • Demonstrate a quality of performance that, if continued, indicates that they will develop into distinguished members of the profession.
  • Demonstrate outstanding potential in scholarship, teaching, and/or professional leadership as reflected by (a) exemplary teaching abilities; (b) significant publications; (c) citations, awards, or other recognition for outstanding teaching, coaching, administration, or performing; or (d) active leadership roles in SHAPE America.
Doris R. Corbett-Johnson

Doris R. Corbett-Johnson is a retired Professor Emeritus and Director/Dean School of Kinesiology, Allied Health, and Human Services at the University of Northern Iowa, and retired Professor Emeritus at Howard University as Department Head. She is a former past president of SHAPE/AAHPERD (Society of Health, Physical Education/AAHPERD), President of the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance (ICHPER.SD) for eight years, President of the Eastern District Shape/AAHPERD Association, President of the National Association for Girls and Women in Sport. Read more...

To Submit a Nomination:

Read the general requirements. Include the following in the award submission:

  • Curriculum vita (CV) not to exceed 10 pages. Reviewers will not read more than 10 pages.
  • Two (2) letters of support from nominators. Letters should specifically address the criteria for the award and how the person qualifies.
  • Biographical sketch (250-300 words)

Deadline is October 15.

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