E.B. Henderson Award

E.B. Henderson was a noted author, teacher, coach, and administrator in the disciplines of physical education and athletics. The E.B. Henderson Award recognizes minority SHAPE America members who, through numerous years of proven dedication to scholarship, mentorship, and service to ethnic minorities, have increased involvement of ethnic minorities and/or underserved populations within their profession, SHAPE America, or society. No more than two (2) Henderson awards are given each year.

The recipient shall:
  • Currently be a SHAPE America member and have been a member continuously for at least ten (10) years prior to nomination.
  • This award is restricted to minority candidates (including but not limited to, Asian, African, Hispanic, and Native American) as defined by the U. S. Government*. [*The U. S. Government approach (based on the collection of census data) is to accept individual self identification of minority status.
  • Have served professionally in HPERD settings for at least ten (10) years prior to nomination.
Award Criteria
  • Demonstrate successful and exemplary involvement in scholarship.
  • Have a record of increasing involvement of ethnic minorities and/or underserved populations in SHAPE America and the professions it serves through: a) Service to the professions and SHAPE America or its components and/or b) Identification as an active and respected mentor for students and other colleagues.
Edwin Bancroft Henderson

Edwin Bancroft Henderson (November 24, 1883 – February 3, 1977) was a noted author, teacher, coach, and administrator in the disciplines of physical education and athletics. He graduated from the District of Columbia Minor Normal School (later known as Minor Teachers College, presently named The University of the District of Columbia - UDC). Henderson later attended and graduated from Howard University and Columbia University.

One of his major scholarly contributions was The Negro in Sports (1939). It was from this work, the late Arthur Ashe built his three volume series on the African American Athlete. Henderson earned the personal and professional respect of many, including Dr. Bruce Bennett of Ohio State University and Dr. Mabel Lee of the University of Nebraska. He was widely recognized as the "Grandfather of Black Basketball," introduced basketball in Washington, D.C. in 1904 to African Americans on a wide scale, organized basis.

To Submit a Nomination:

Read the general requirements. Include the following in the award submission:

  • Curriculum vita (CV) not to exceed 10 pages. Reviewers will not read more than 10 pages.
  • Two (2) letters of support from nominators. Letters should specifically address the criteria for the award and how the person qualifies.
  • Biographical sketch (250-300 words)

Deadline is October 15.

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