NAGWS Legacy Award

National Girls and Women in Sports (NAGWS) was founded in 1899 with the mission of increasing opportunities for girls and women in sport. With the re-organization of AAHPERD to SHAPE America, all of the national associations including NAGWS unified as SHAPE America. NAGWS & SHAPE America owned the Wade Trophy and sold the trophy to the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association (WBCA). With the sale of the trophy, SHAPE America established the NAGWS Legacy Award.

Facts about this award
  • Awarded annually by a committee
  • Monetary award of $1000 for the winner
  • Award will be presented at the National Convention & Exposition
  • Special deadline of November 1st!
Award Criteria
  • Current member of SHAPE America
  • Submitted proposal that honors the National Girls and Women in Sports Legacy and mission of increasing opportunities for girls and women in sport as participants and leaders
    • Examples of proposals include but not limited to: research project related to girls and women in sport; professional development opportunity for female leadership in sport (conference attendance/presentation); graduate school research project; after school program; support of speaker; etc.

To Submit a Nomination:

Read the general requirements. Include the following in the award submission:

  • Curriculum vita (CV) not to exceed 10 pages. Reviewers will not read more than 10 pages.
  • Two (2) letters of support from nominators. Letters should specifically address the criteria for the award and how the person qualifies.
  • Biographical sketch (250-300 words)

Deadline is October 15.