Special Interest Group Guidelines

SHAPE America will create Special Interest Groups (SIGs), allowing members with similar interests to meet, share, and network. Additionally, the SIGs will serve as a resource for SHAPE America regarding questions and issues that arise related to their topical area. They will also support the SHAPE America program councils in the identification and development of new programs, products, and services.

SIGs will be free to conduct their own affairs in support of SHAPE America's vision, mission, and strategic plan, so long as they are in compliance with the policies and procedural requirements established by the Board of Directors.


  • Members of each SIG will communicate with each other via Exchange.
  • Members of each SIG will communicate and collaborate with each of SHAPE America's program councils as individual projects warrant.
  • Each SIG will have an opportunity to share information related to their specific interest with the full membership through publication of an article in Momentum.
  • Each SIG will communicate with and be supported by a SHAPE America staff liaison.


SHAPE America members will self-select the SIGS in which they participate by identifying their interest(s) in their membership profiles. Members can select or de-select SIGs at anytime by updating their profile on the SHAPE America website.


Each SIG will select a Leadership Team consisting of a past-chair, current chair, and chair-elect. Each Leadership Team will strive to have representation from higher education and PK-12 education systems. They will also strive to represent all parts of the United States and reflect the diversity in the field.

The term for each member of the Leadership Team will be two years, starting at the end of the national convention in which they were selected and ending at the end of the national convention two years later.

Leadership Team Selection Process

The selection procedure will consist of the SIG leadership team application form and vetting process for new team members.

  1. The SIG application form will be posted on the SHAPE America website & Exchange. Applications must be submitted by October 15.
  2. Applications will be sorted by staff and provided to appropriate SIG Leadership Teams.
  3. SIG team members will select a new chair-elect for their respective SIG.
  4. The names of new chair-elects will be announced on Exchange and in Momentum.

Leadership Responsibilities

  • Maintain an up-to-date written purpose statement consistent with SHAPE America's mission statement for approval by the SHAPE America Board.
  • Maintain fifty (50) current members of the SIG.
  • Communicate with SIG members via the Exchange online community.
  • Solicit, organize and coordinate award processes and projects
  • Solicit nominations for new open leadership positions.
  • Communicate with the SHAPE America staff liaison on SIG activities throughout the year.

SHAPE America Responsibilities

To support SIGs throughout the year SHAPE America staff supports the SIG leadership as they perform the duties of their office. This support includes, but is not limited to the following requirements:

  • Act as the liaison with each SIG Chair and provide staff support to the SIG activities.
  • Establish and maintain continuous communication with each SIG.
  • Post SIG information to the SIG webpage as needed throughout the year.
  • Facilitate information sharing between SHAPE America and SIG leaders throughout the year.
  • Distribute SIG information to SIG members.

Start a New SIG!

Interested in starting a new SHAPE America SIG? Check out our criteria for starting a new SIG. Please contact the SHAPE America Programs Unit at [email protected] to obtain the necessary information and submission forms.

SIG Awards

Nominate a deserving individual for an award! Check out the SIG call for nominations: