Press Release


Arizona State Professor Emeritus Awarded Highest Honor From SHAPE America

RESTON, VA, April 19, 2023 — SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators is pleased to announce that Hans van der Mars, Ph.D., professor emeritus in the Department of Physical Education Teacher Education (Sport Pedagogy) at Arizona State University, received the 2023 Luther Halsey Gulick Award on March 30 during the SHAPE America National Convention & Expo in Seattle.

“The Gulick Award honors an individual who exemplifies the highest standards in accomplishment, innovation, and leadership,” says SHAPE America CEO Stephanie Morris. “SHAPE America bestows the award in recognition of long and distinguished service to the profession.”

Throughout his career, van der Mars has left his mark on physical education teacher education (PETE) and sport pedagogy, holding a faculty appointment at Oregon State University for 15 years after previously holding faculty positions at Arizona State University (Tempe) and the University of Maine - Orono. He has been an active researcher in sports pedagogy/physical education teacher education for almost 40 years.

Van der Mars has co-authored over 150 research papers, professional papers, book chapters, proceedings papers, as well as three textbooks. He has delivered 290 invited keynote, research and professional presentations at international, national, regional and state conferences. He regularly hosts workshops for K-12 teachers in physical education and served as co-editor of the Journal of Teaching in Physical Education (JTPE) from 1998 to 2002.

A SHAPE America Research Fellow, van der Mars was also inducted as an active fellow in the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education (AAKPE) in 2006, and as a Fellow in the Association Internationale des Écoles Supérieures d’Éducation Physique (International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education).

He served as a member of the President’s Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition Science Board from 2011 until 2014. His research and scholarship focus on determining factors that facilitate physical activity among secondary school students, and the role of public policy on the quantity and quality of K-12 physical education.


About SHAPE America

SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators serves as the voice for 200,000+ health and physical education professionals across the United States. The organization’s community includes a diverse membership of health and physical educators, as well as advocates, supporters, and 50+ state affiliate organizations.

Since its founding in 1885, the organization has defined excellence in physical education. For decades, SHAPE America’s National Standards for K-12 Physical Education have served as the foundation for well-designed physical education programs across the country. Additionally, the organization helped develop and owns the National Health Education Standards.

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