Luther Halsey Gulick Award

The Luther Halsey Gulick Medal is awarded as the highest honor SHAPE America bestows in recognition of long and distinguished service to one or more of the professions represented in the Association. It shall be presented annually (unless the committee agrees that no worthy candidate has been nominated for any given year) at the national convention. Not more than one Gulick Award is given each year. Learn more about the Gulick medal.

The recipient shall:
  • Currently be a member of SHAPE America and shall have held such membership for at least ten (10) years.
  • Have been formally recognized by his/her peers by some form of national award for outstanding professional contributions, e.g., Honor Award.
Award Criteria
  • Be clearly outstanding in his/her profession.
  • Exemplify the best in service, research, teaching and/or administration.
  • Be recognized by members of SHAPE America as a noteworthy leader.
  • Be the type of person whose life and contributions could inspire youth to live vigorously, courageously, and freely as citizens in a free society.
Luther Halsey Gulick

Luther Halsey Gulick, 1865–1918, was an American pioneer in physical education. Born in Honolulu, of American missionary parents, he studied at Oberlin College, Sargent School of Physical Training (now part of Boston Univ.), and the New York Univ. medical college (M.D., 1889). From 1887 to 1903 he was secretary of the physical training department of the YMCA. He devised the emblem of the organization and, with James Naismith, originated the game of basketball. He was director of physical training in the New York City public schools from 1903 to 1908; in 1907 he founded the child hygiene department of the Russell Sage Foundation, directing it until his retirement in 1913. With others he founded (1910) the Camp Fire Girls movement.

Gulick also was among the founders and first presidents of several associations dedicated to physical education, such as the American Physical Education Association (president, 1903-1906) and the Public School Training Society (president, 1905-1908). He helped to organize the American School Hygiene Association in 1907, and the Playground and Recreation Society of America (president, 1906-1908).

To Submit a Nomination:

Read the general requirements. Include the following in the award submission:

  • Curriculum vita (CV) not to exceed 10 pages. Reviewers will not read more than 10 pages.
  • Two (2) letters of support from nominators. Letters should specifically address the criteria for the award and how the person qualifies.
  • Biographical sketch (250-300 words)

Deadline is October 15.