SHAPE America Health Education Council

The SHAPE America Health Education Council is one of SHAPE America’s five program councils, which are all charged with the following responsibilities:

  • Advise and make recommendations about programs, products and services related to the respective focus areas, considering overall impact, member benefit and return on investment.
  • Provide recommendations on existing programs, products, services, and activities in relation to the organization’s strategic plan and recommend continuation, revision or elimination. Help guide new initiatives through the review process and recommend task forces and ad hoc committees needed for completion.
  • Build communication with related SHAPE America special interest groups (SIGs).
  • Provide reports/updates prior to each SHAPE America Board of Directors meeting and/or upon request.

Specifically, the Health Education Council addresses the areas of:

  • Health education teacher education (HETE);
  • PreK-12 school health education; and
  • State/district health education administration.

Health Education Council Activities & Recent Projects

The Health Education Council conducts the following activities:

  • Helps develop guidance documents, position statements, and other content as needed; and
  • Provides guidance and review during the revision process of the National Health Education Standards.

Health Education Council Members

  • Rachael Gibson (Chair)
    ABG Global
  • Melissa Quigley
    Broadneck High School (MD)
  • Michelle Rawcliffe
    CATCH Global Foundation
  • Logan Edwards
    University of North Carolina (NC)
  • Jenny Withycombe
    Portland Public School (OR)
  • Adam Mullis
    Griffin Middle School (GA)
  • Kathleen Vogt
    Union Vale Middle School (NY)
  • Lennie Parham
    New Jersey Department of Education
  • Andrew Milne (BOD Liason)