Research in Health and Physical Education for Teacher’s Toolbox

As our nation strives for school-age children to achieve the recommended 60 minutes of daily physical activity, all schools need to commit to making evidence-based physical education (PE) and health education the cornerstone of a comprehensive school physical activity program.

The spectrum of discipline areas for SHAPE America's Research Council includes: biomechanics, dance, exercise physiology and fitness, health, leisure and recreation, measurement and evaluation, motor behavior, pedagogy, physical activity epidemiology, psychology, sociocultural aspects of physical activity, special populations, sport management and administration and sports medicine.


|▼ Awards   |▼ SHAPE America Journal Articles   |▼ Tools and Templates   |▼ Learning and Networking


Research Spotlight

Sex Differences in 3- to 5-Year-Old Children’s Motor Competence: A Pooled Cross-Sectional Analysis of 6,241 Children
Research Spotlight

Health and Physical Education Research Gallery
Although they were not able to share their original work for feedback and dissemination at this year’s SHAPE America National Convention & Expo due to the COVID-19 crisis, many researchers submitted video presentations for this research gallery.

Research: Take Action!

Apply to serve on the Research Council. We will have at least two at-large positions open starting after the national convention in Baltimore. Deadline: October 15.

Submit a nomination for SHAPE America awardsDeadline: October 15.

Nominate an outstanding scholar to become a Research Fellow of SHAPE America. This program recognizes scholarly contributions to our field. Deadline: October 31.

Submit an application for the Thom McKenzie Research Grant Deadline: December 11.


Classroom-ready & teacher-friendly resources you can use right now to help your students on the path to health and physical literacy. Learn more